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კვირა, 30 ნოემბერი 2014 წ. 22:15
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სამშაბათი, 29 ნოემბერი 2016 წ. 21:36
დარეგისტრირებულია: სამშაბათი, 21 სექტემბერი 2021 წ. 22:29 კომენტარები: 7084
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ოთხშაბათი, 10 ნოემბერი 2021 წ. 20:57
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What are the major benefits of Autonomous Mobile Robots? 1. Increased Flexibility Autonomous Mobile Robots demonstrate flexible and agile automation because they are largely dependent on their own cameras and sensors to perform. Autonomous Mobile Robots do not have to follow predefined paths. They can instead design their individual efficient routes within a facility. This lets them stay clear of the obstacles. Autonomous Mobile Robots can shift to new tasks faster than other automation technologies. Check out this orderpick robot info for more. 2. Safety - Increased Autonomous Mobile Robots are equipped with cameras and sensors. These cameras let Autonomous Mobile Robots to comprehend and perceive their environment. Autonomous Mobile Robots are able to move effectively in a space without hitting people, product, or infrastructure. Human operators operating equipment, such as forklifts or other machines, lack safety features and are more dependent on human input. While a human operator has the potential to become exhausted or distracted, which can lead to an accident, these are not concerns when working with Autonomous Mobile Robots. Autonomous Mobile Robots are utilized for repeatable tasks which reduces the risk of human error and greatly enhances safety. 3. Rapid Implementation Autonomous Mobile Robots can typically be deployed in a matter of four to six weeks dependent on the specifics of the project. Important here is the picking software and warehouse execution programs that the units must be integrated into. For those at the top end of the spectrum this is a relatively quick time frame, especially when compared with other technologies. A goods-to-person-system (G2P) can take a full year to put into place. 4. Ability to Scale Autonomous Mobile Robots are simple to install in a facility. They can be used in modular deployment to add units as your company grows or alters. This lets you stay clear of a huge initial investment because instead of buying a huge quantity of Autonomous Mobile Robots all at once it is possible to start with one or two and add to your fleet in the course of time. The modular deployment will free money that you can use to invest in other initiatives while you analyze the impact of Autonomous Mobile Robots on your business and determine next steps. 5. It is simple to travel between facilities A few businesses might be reluctant to explore automation options, even though they know the possibility of moving to a different facility in the near future is likely. This thinking makes perfect sense: Why implement a new system if it will be decommissioned in two years once the new facility is constructed? Autonomous Mobile Robots could help to bridge the gap between these two scenarios. Autonomous Mobile Robots can be deployed swiftly and effortlessly between facilities, that allows for automation for the short-term. Businesses that intend to run in the near-term will benefit from Autonomous Mobile Robots.
დაამატა FrankJScott
სამშაბათი, 30 ნოემბერი 2021 წ. 22:09
დარეგისტრირებულია: სამშაბათი, 21 სექტემბერი 2021 წ. 22:29 კომენტარები: 7084
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დაამატა FrankJScott
ოთხშაბათი, 01 თებერვალი 2023 წ. 20:27
დარეგისტრირებულია: სამშაბათი, 21 სექტემბერი 2021 წ. 22:29 კომენტარები: 7084
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დაამატა FrankJScott
შაბათი, 08 აპრილი 2023 წ. 22:57
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